Join dr. tara’s sex academy
Sex Education for Adults
You deserve a fulfilling sex life and a passionate relationship. Take Dr. Tara’s sexual wellbeing courses to become more sexually empowered and confident.
As a sex and relationship professor, my goal is to help you gain confidence in your own sexuality and interactions with others so you can live the most fulfilling life.
My courses aim to help you cultivate long-term sexual satisfaction and passionate relationship.
Each course includes video lectures, exercises and activities, and resource libraries for more sexual exploration. These courses offer a positive space where we work together to bolster your sexual confidence and communication.
foundations of sexual wellbeing
What does it mean to have a good sex life? What are the factors that contribute to your ultimate sexual wellbeing?
Building Sexual confidence and self-esteem
What is sexual confidence? How can you become more sexually confident? How can you increase your sexual self-esteem?
sexual exploration beyond the norm
How can we keep our passion alive? What is sexual exploration? How can we start exploring sex outside of our comfort zones?
Get my E-Book
Become Sexually Empowered: A 30-Day Journey of Sexual Self-Exploration
YOU DESERVE A GOOD SEX LIFE. That's why I created this e-book. After completing my mindfully crafted 30 sexual self-exploration exercises, you will feel more sexually empowered. Sexual empowerment is in your hands. What are you going to do? Have an orgasmic day! -Dr. Tara
P.S. This is the same as the sexual mindfulness e-book. The cover has been revamped.